Monday, April 28, 2008
Good Gravy!!!!
As many of you know Ryan and I have known for a while that we want to adopt someday. We have done some research in the past but decided we should get to cracking on doing a little more down and dirty research. Let me tell you my eyes are going crossed. We know that according to Washington State law ( which is dumb) we have to have a bigger house. We also know that if we decide to foster adopt it takes about 12 to 24 months just to get all the classes and paper work filled out before you even start the house studies. We are not sure if we are going to foster adopt or adopt over seas. Both have pros and cons. But let me tell you how frustrating DSHS is . In a matter of hours I found out tons of laws and info on overseas adoption. The people were more then willing to be open and honest about the whole process. I felt really well informed by the time I had all my questions and more answered. DSHS on the other hand is being so incredibly difficult. I just wish they could give a straight answer . You have to search and search to find any info and then when you do think your finding something out it's like they just run you in circles. GRR I know I am just venting but I swore the whole system needs to be changed. I have decided the only way to find any info about foster adoption is talking with someone you know who has been through it. So, I think in a couple weeks when I start to feel better I am going to ask people for names and numbers of anyone they know that has adopted or foster adopted in Washington state ( preferable people who already had kids) who wouldn't mind answering some questions. No one actually has to read this I just needed to vent and will probably not even be upset about this in an hour.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this picture?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Newest Employee at Subway!
She may not be the newest ( because she started when she was four months old riding around on my back) but she is the cutest!
Ryan works incredible hours and the girls don't get to see him much (if at all) during the week. One day he had just got back from the office in time to change his clothes and head to Subway for the night shift when the girls were doing there normal fall to the floor and cry that Dad is leaving again. Ryan who hates being away from his girls as much as we hate him being away made a quick phone call to Roe and then told Victoria to get her shoes on. She had so much fun and Ryan said he loved having her there.
He was going to bring Bella the next week but Roe called and said that we couldn't do that anymore. He said that Subway told him we couldn't because we could easily sue him if one of our kids got hurt and that customers might think it unsanitary. Even though we know for a fact that the customers loved her being there and some of them even remembered her from years ago and thought it was great that she was back. I do understand Subway and why they said no. However it's sad for us.

Ryan works incredible hours and the girls don't get to see him much (if at all) during the week. One day he had just got back from the office in time to change his clothes and head to Subway for the night shift when the girls were doing there normal fall to the floor and cry that Dad is leaving again. Ryan who hates being away from his girls as much as we hate him being away made a quick phone call to Roe and then told Victoria to get her shoes on. She had so much fun and Ryan said he loved having her there.
He was going to bring Bella the next week but Roe called and said that we couldn't do that anymore. He said that Subway told him we couldn't because we could easily sue him if one of our kids got hurt and that customers might think it unsanitary. Even though we know for a fact that the customers loved her being there and some of them even remembered her from years ago and thought it was great that she was back. I do understand Subway and why they said no. However it's sad for us.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
First of all yesterday 28 years ago my wonderful husband was born and placed in his Mommy's arms. I may not always act like it but I am thankful everyday to the Lord that Ryan was born and that I get the privilege of taking this journey with him.
Before we went out last night to celebrate the birth of such a hot guy. We had to go to our first OB appointment. We saw our PERFECT little bundle !! I cried, mostly for how sorry I am for being such a brat through this whole pregnancy. Yes, I feel so so so sick ( which by the way my Dr. made me feel good when he said my sickness was extreme and not normal) but all I have done is complain. I complain about being in pain , I complain about throwing up, I complain about not being able to sleep but mostly I complain about feeling guilty for neglecting my kids and hubby. What was I thinking!! I get the privilege of getting to know another little personality that God created. God knew that I wouldn't be able to be as good of a wife and mother yet he still gave us this blessing. Does God not know better then I ? Does he not love my family more then I do? Contrary to what I was thinking God knows my family will be fine. We will make it through this time of yuck and come out on the other side with a new blessing. I still feel like crap all of the time but I no longer have a negative attitude about feeling sick and I am sorry that I ever did. I am so excited to meet our newest member and am thankful that God wanted to bless us with another baby even if we thought it was crazy!!
Okay , now about the appointment. First of all I am 12 and half weeks not 11 weeks along . Which makes way more sense as to how and when I got prego. The Dr. said that I'm not keeping enough food down( you have got to be kiddin me). The baby is fine for now but he said if I am just as sick by my next appointment we may have to think about an IV. My ultrasound was amazing the baby was moving all over. I think the Dr. was just as excited as we were. He kept saying ,"look guys, look he/she is waving. Oh , look count them 1,2,3,4,5 fingers". I sware it was the first ultrasound he had ever seen and not the third one he had done that day. I have to say though little Miss or Mr Hathaway was putting on quite the show he/she kept stick his/her tongue out.Very cute! Ryan and I desided that as long as our Dr is practicing we will not go back to homebirth. He is too unbelievable. There are a few things that are "required" at your first ob visit. Our Dr. was so laid back he let us choose what we wanted to do. Like the ultrasound for example he said, " if you will allow we will do an ultrasound today, if not we will here there precious heart beat". When it came time for the "required" exam I had this whole speech prepared for why I was against doing it. Only all I got out was," umm about the exam". He interupted and said," your not comfortable with that, sounds good to me lets not do it". We walked out of the room he turned to his nurse who was getting the exam table ready and said," ah we aren't gonna do that " The nurse looked at him like , your braking all the rules. He just smiled and said," this mom and baby are fine were moving on to more important things, lets draw blood". There were so many things he did that shocked us in a good way. When we got ready to leave he said, " I get the privilege of helping to facilitate a place where miracles are born , could I have a better job". Praise God for good God fearing Doctors. Having a good Dr or midwife makes the whole pregnancy and labor so much less stressful and so so much FUN!
Before we went out last night to celebrate the birth of such a hot guy. We had to go to our first OB appointment. We saw our PERFECT little bundle !! I cried, mostly for how sorry I am for being such a brat through this whole pregnancy. Yes, I feel so so so sick ( which by the way my Dr. made me feel good when he said my sickness was extreme and not normal) but all I have done is complain. I complain about being in pain , I complain about throwing up, I complain about not being able to sleep but mostly I complain about feeling guilty for neglecting my kids and hubby. What was I thinking!! I get the privilege of getting to know another little personality that God created. God knew that I wouldn't be able to be as good of a wife and mother yet he still gave us this blessing. Does God not know better then I ? Does he not love my family more then I do? Contrary to what I was thinking God knows my family will be fine. We will make it through this time of yuck and come out on the other side with a new blessing. I still feel like crap all of the time but I no longer have a negative attitude about feeling sick and I am sorry that I ever did. I am so excited to meet our newest member and am thankful that God wanted to bless us with another baby even if we thought it was crazy!!
Okay , now about the appointment. First of all I am 12 and half weeks not 11 weeks along . Which makes way more sense as to how and when I got prego. The Dr. said that I'm not keeping enough food down( you have got to be kiddin me). The baby is fine for now but he said if I am just as sick by my next appointment we may have to think about an IV. My ultrasound was amazing the baby was moving all over. I think the Dr. was just as excited as we were. He kept saying ,"look guys, look he/she is waving. Oh , look count them 1,2,3,4,5 fingers". I sware it was the first ultrasound he had ever seen and not the third one he had done that day. I have to say though little Miss or Mr Hathaway was putting on quite the show he/she kept stick his/her tongue out.Very cute! Ryan and I desided that as long as our Dr is practicing we will not go back to homebirth. He is too unbelievable. There are a few things that are "required" at your first ob visit. Our Dr. was so laid back he let us choose what we wanted to do. Like the ultrasound for example he said, " if you will allow we will do an ultrasound today, if not we will here there precious heart beat". When it came time for the "required" exam I had this whole speech prepared for why I was against doing it. Only all I got out was," umm about the exam". He interupted and said," your not comfortable with that, sounds good to me lets not do it". We walked out of the room he turned to his nurse who was getting the exam table ready and said," ah we aren't gonna do that " The nurse looked at him like , your braking all the rules. He just smiled and said," this mom and baby are fine were moving on to more important things, lets draw blood". There were so many things he did that shocked us in a good way. When we got ready to leave he said, " I get the privilege of helping to facilitate a place where miracles are born , could I have a better job". Praise God for good God fearing Doctors. Having a good Dr or midwife makes the whole pregnancy and labor so much less stressful and so so much FUN!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
I'm 10 weeks pregnant. Yes, I am finally to the double digits. I should only have six more weeks of sickness !!! After that I stop counting weeks for awhile.
P.S. Don't believe my ticker at the top of my page it apparently hates me or I just some how put the wrong dates in when I was making it. Either way it lies. I know it's only two days off but when your this sick every hour counts . Yay, we are having a thunder storm. Spring is here!
P.S. Don't believe my ticker at the top of my page it apparently hates me or I just some how put the wrong dates in when I was making it. Either way it lies. I know it's only two days off but when your this sick every hour counts . Yay, we are having a thunder storm. Spring is here!
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