Wednesday, July 9, 2008

24 week u/s!

I have never had an ultrasound this far along and it was WAY cool! You could really see his little face! Ryan was really impressed by it. Yes, he is still a boy! The coolest part is that Keltin James Hathaway got to make his very first home video!! Ryan and I loved watching him and can't wait to watch the video with the girls! I measured exactly 24 weeks however, Keltin is measuring a couple weeks behind. He is developed to 24 weeks just small. He weighed in at one and a half pounds. Everything looks good. I always feel so much better after the big ultrasound even though I know they are not a 100% accurate.
Also, I do want to post some 4th pics, I just need to get them on the computer.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


We were talking this morning about how cute it was that Arayah let Autumn, Rachel and Forrest hold her last night. Victoria chimed in and said," Yeah, she really likes pregnant girls to hold her". Ryan was stared laughing and said, " I guess we better let Forrest know that he is a pregnant girl".
We had a fun 4th!! Thanks everyone!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

You Know....

Your child is a neat freak when..... she doesn't want to have friends over because of the mess she will have to clean when they leave...-Victoria

You know your child doesn't really care about toys when.... you tell her to clean her room or she will get her cars taken away and she simply says, "Ok, can you take away all the shoes too, cause I don't like cleaning them either".....-Isabella

You know your child doesn't understand when.... you say who wants to clean the bedroom?? And she starts dancing around clapping and saying,"yeah, yeah, yeah"!!.....
- Arayah

You know your preganant when.... you get up, get breakfast made, do some dishes and laundry and you are ready for a nap.

You know you are a mom when ..... it takes you two hours to wash two sinks of dishes because you have to stop every 30 seconds for a question or to stop an argument.

You know your a parent when.... you actually want to go to luch at Mcdonalds because your kids like it so much.

You know your a mom when..... your one year old can say anything and it melts your heart!

You know your a mom when .... you buy your clothes all in earth tones and not because it's in style,,, but because they hide the dirt!

You know your a mom when... you get half way through the store and then realize that while you kids look adorable you forgot to fix your own hair!!

You know your a mom when... you do more laundry in one day then you thought exsisted in the whole world.

You know your a mom when.... you get a very rare brake from your kids and all you want to do is go back home to them!