I should have pictures up tonight!
Anyway,I thought I would update what we have been up to lately.
The girls and I have been going to the park almost everyday. We go the kid pool and the girls get lunch which is all FREE! Yeah, so needless to say that has been really nice! The girls have a lot of fun, usually Autumn and kids or my Mom and kids all go as well. By the time we get home the girls are all so tired the two little ones take a good long nap while Victoria colors or reads. It is really nice for me 'cause it gives me time to clean and maybe even get a nap or some computer time while they recharge.
Ryan is working like a crazy man!! Last week he got 47 hours in three days!! I have no idea what the hours ended up being at the end of the week. I'm so amazed by him though because despite obviously being exhausted and probably a bit worried about paying the bills he has still shown joy and been in such a good mood and hasn't complained at all. Please be praying that he gets the job at Rockwood or that something else comes along really soon!
I had my 28 week appointment . Everything looks good! I really popped out since last time. Apparently Keltin has decided it's time to grow. He also thought he would really freak the nurse out and play run from the Doppler! She could not find his heart beat forever,,,, she kept looking at me and started to act like she was really worried I decided to tell her that I knew he was fine because he was moving all over, then I showed her where he was. I'm pretty sure my son plays the drums while doing gymnastics in there!! I have Never had a baby move so much... I really wonder if he ever stops! Whenever I am having a bad moment I just stop and feel him kicking, it always reminds me that God's plans are not always ours but are always best. Keltin may not have been planned by us but, he was planned ! Trusting people and God has always been hard for me and I think Keltin has really helped me with that. It is amazing how much I have learned from him and he isn't even born yet.
Other then that,, the girls continue to crack us up all the time! It's like living with three comedians ( only the girls are funnier). We love Autumn and Travis living so close, we see them all the time now and really enjoy that! We have had good times hanging out with friends ( we are pretty sure we have the best)!