Who would have thought that my mom making go in and apply at Subway...which I did not want to do ( I wanted to work at a preschool) would have resulted in finding the man of my dreams,,getting married and having four wonderful children within six years....guess I should thank my mom!!hehe It's weird how time gets away from you... I remember applying at Subway like it was yesterday and have a hard time believing I'm married with kids already... I am so thankful to God for everything!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Looking Back.
Who would have thought that my mom making go in and apply at Subway...which I did not want to do ( I wanted to work at a preschool) would have resulted in finding the man of my dreams,,getting married and having four wonderful children within six years....guess I should thank my mom!!hehe It's weird how time gets away from you... I remember applying at Subway like it was yesterday and have a hard time believing I'm married with kids already... I am so thankful to God for everything!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Keltin and His Boy Hands.
These are pictures of Keltins hands at five days old ( I'm pretty sure)..I know that no one cares about such things,,,,but I spend a lot of time sitting in this rocking chair nursing a cute little baby and so I might as well post a bunch of cute random things. The computer just happens to be right in front of my rocking chair.
Also, Keltin was 10lbs 8oz and 22 inches long today.

Also, Keltin was 10lbs 8oz and 22 inches long today.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Seems like babies are just getting bigger! I mean there were four babies among my friends and family born in the last month...two boys and two girls and all of them were over 9lbs and none of the mothers are related by blood. Also none of them had diabetes ... Even at the hospital I didn't get that shock and aww look like I did with my girls and they were much smaller...just a weird thought I had.

Maily is so protective of Keltin .

All the moms in the house changing diapers!
Maily is so protective of Keltin .
All the moms in the house changing diapers!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
He can eat!
Keltin weighed 9lbs 4oz when we left the hospital on Sunday ...Thursday at his well baby check he weighed 9lbs 10oz!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Warning! Kinda Graphic! Keltins Birth.
After the Halloween party at our house, ryan and I were sitting around talking and I was pouting about how I would never go into labor and I would have to be induced!! After my rant we decided to go to bed.... I couldn't sleep ( like usual) so I got up and dinked around on the computer and watched some dumb late night TV. I was having a bunch of contractions ( like usual) and just for fun had been timing them. They were 5 min apart but that was not uncommon and they were not very painful so I was just blowing them off. After two hours (still not convinced this was the real thing) I decided to wake Ryan up and have him get some stuff together ( like the pictures off the camera and such) just in case. The next day was Saturday so I figured even if it was still fake he could sleep in.
He got up and started din kin around on the computer taking his time to do stuff.. I was cleaning when I told him I think we should hurry things up I really think this is real... he said ok but really didn't speed up any... about five minutes later I told him we need to get the kids to my moms. It took us what seemed like forever to get them ready. By now (5 in the morn it was 2 when the very first contraction started) they were 2 minutes apart! I was going to stay home while he took the kids to my moms and then we would head to the hospital ( I thought it would still be many hours but I wanted to get all my antibiotics for the strep B ). At the last minute I decided to just go with him to take the kids over.... good thing I did.. By the time I got to my moms my contractions were less then 2 minutes apart.. my mom said it seemed like there was no brake.. I still didn’t think it was that close to him being born because the contractions were not nearly as painful as with the girls. I was silent the whole way to the hospital which made Ryan realize that this was serious. When we got to the hospital I broke down crying... I told Ryan that I didn’t want to go in because I knew they were just going to tell me I was at a two . He said ok well we don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to ( he was so great) ...
We went in.... My nurse was so great I told her as soon as we got there that I was not going to talk during contractions and she was so nice about it she just asked Ryan everything and I got to be off in my own head and totally silent .... she would once in awhile tell me how good I was doing and let me know that my contractions were pretty much on top of each other... She was exactly what I wanted! She finally got all the paper work done and checked me I was a 7-8 and as soon as she told me that I started crying because I was so happy. Don’t get me wrong it was painful but NOTHING compared to the girls! I almost thought this can not be right! I was asked if I wanted an epidural and said yes only because I couldn’t imagine things not getting a lot worse... I got the epidural when I was a 8-9 and it slightly slowed my labor ( yay for normal labor). About an hour later my water broke and there was meconium in the water... no one freaked out!! About a half hour later I was ready to push.. Everything was going good until Keltin’s heart rate dropped really low... All I knew was my nurse( who was a Christian and who I had fallen in love with) looked at me and said very calmly you need to get your baby out right now! Someone put oxygen on me and I prayed that God would give me the strength because I really could not feel how to push at this point. I pushed once and the Dr said that’s not doing anything... so I prayed out loud for strength and pushed like I have never pushed.... in less then 2 minutes from the time I started Keltin was born!! It felt like I had been pushing for hours. Praise God !! He really pushed Keltin out for me! They let me hold him even though they were sucking gross crap out of his lungs!!
I didn't know why until later but after he came out I heard about 4 nurses yell and then start laughing .. one girl said," good thing I had my mouth closed.".. apparently some of the amniotic fluid shot about five feet across the room soaking a few of the nurses and thanks to Keltin it was full of poo! My mom and Ryan were talking about how gross the birth was .. one nurse said she had never seen someone have that much water before and of course it was poo water all over the place....Keltin just wanted to make his grand entrance as a boy so he made it nice and dirty!
Apparently, I was WAY wrong about not caring much water .hehe .. Although this labor was painful and a bit scary at one point it was my BEST ( although I love things about each of their births)! It was normal labor that progressed normal and it was fast. It was also by far the least painful! Ryan agreed that this by far was his favorite and least stressful! We had to stay an extra day and half in the hospital just to make sure everything was out of his lungs and because I didn't have time to get all the antibiotics.... Keltins labor was so great that I actually wouldn't mind doing it again in a year or so. I prayed a lot during this labor and am so thankful for a great birth and a perfect little man!!
Now if Ryan could just decide about circumcision!
Sorry this was so long.
He got up and started din kin around on the computer taking his time to do stuff.. I was cleaning when I told him I think we should hurry things up I really think this is real... he said ok but really didn't speed up any... about five minutes later I told him we need to get the kids to my moms. It took us what seemed like forever to get them ready. By now (5 in the morn it was 2 when the very first contraction started) they were 2 minutes apart! I was going to stay home while he took the kids to my moms and then we would head to the hospital ( I thought it would still be many hours but I wanted to get all my antibiotics for the strep B ). At the last minute I decided to just go with him to take the kids over.... good thing I did.. By the time I got to my moms my contractions were less then 2 minutes apart.. my mom said it seemed like there was no brake.. I still didn’t think it was that close to him being born because the contractions were not nearly as painful as with the girls. I was silent the whole way to the hospital which made Ryan realize that this was serious. When we got to the hospital I broke down crying... I told Ryan that I didn’t want to go in because I knew they were just going to tell me I was at a two . He said ok well we don’t have to go anywhere if you don’t want to ( he was so great) ...
We went in.... My nurse was so great I told her as soon as we got there that I was not going to talk during contractions and she was so nice about it she just asked Ryan everything and I got to be off in my own head and totally silent .... she would once in awhile tell me how good I was doing and let me know that my contractions were pretty much on top of each other... She was exactly what I wanted! She finally got all the paper work done and checked me I was a 7-8 and as soon as she told me that I started crying because I was so happy. Don’t get me wrong it was painful but NOTHING compared to the girls! I almost thought this can not be right! I was asked if I wanted an epidural and said yes only because I couldn’t imagine things not getting a lot worse... I got the epidural when I was a 8-9 and it slightly slowed my labor ( yay for normal labor). About an hour later my water broke and there was meconium in the water... no one freaked out!! About a half hour later I was ready to push.. Everything was going good until Keltin’s heart rate dropped really low... All I knew was my nurse( who was a Christian and who I had fallen in love with) looked at me and said very calmly you need to get your baby out right now! Someone put oxygen on me and I prayed that God would give me the strength because I really could not feel how to push at this point. I pushed once and the Dr said that’s not doing anything... so I prayed out loud for strength and pushed like I have never pushed.... in less then 2 minutes from the time I started Keltin was born!! It felt like I had been pushing for hours. Praise God !! He really pushed Keltin out for me! They let me hold him even though they were sucking gross crap out of his lungs!!
I didn't know why until later but after he came out I heard about 4 nurses yell and then start laughing .. one girl said," good thing I had my mouth closed.".. apparently some of the amniotic fluid shot about five feet across the room soaking a few of the nurses and thanks to Keltin it was full of poo! My mom and Ryan were talking about how gross the birth was .. one nurse said she had never seen someone have that much water before and of course it was poo water all over the place....Keltin just wanted to make his grand entrance as a boy so he made it nice and dirty!
Apparently, I was WAY wrong about not caring much water .hehe .. Although this labor was painful and a bit scary at one point it was my BEST ( although I love things about each of their births)! It was normal labor that progressed normal and it was fast. It was also by far the least painful! Ryan agreed that this by far was his favorite and least stressful! We had to stay an extra day and half in the hospital just to make sure everything was out of his lungs and because I didn't have time to get all the antibiotics.... Keltins labor was so great that I actually wouldn't mind doing it again in a year or so. I prayed a lot during this labor and am so thankful for a great birth and a perfect little man!!
Now if Ryan could just decide about circumcision!
Sorry this was so long.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Keltin is such a boy!! He looks so boy that when he was born Ryan said," I'm sure glad none of our girls looked like him." He just has such big features like his hands...which the nurses all commented on so much that one of them came in and did hand prints ...even though she said they never do hand prints, she just couldn't get over how big they were for his size..He still my little angel though.. The first pic is of my cousins baby Kimberly born less then 24 hours after Keltin... She weighed 9lbs 5oz .

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Our First Day Home!
I will post tons of pic's and his birth story ,but I think Ryan took the camera to work (to show off his son).
Today was our first day home and I just had to post how the day has been going so far! Every time Keltin gets his diaper changed he is surrounded by four girls and as soon as one foot comes out of his pj's the comments start....
Look mom his foot is so cute... He has the cutest toes... He is just the cutest baby ever...
I put him in his swing so that I could vacuum ( I think it was the first time he has ever been put down) . Every time he moved all three girls were standing over him..."Whats wrong Keltin?", " Are you OK?", " Mom, Keltin is moving I think we need to pick him up."
The girls each have a baby doll that they have been taking care of all day! They feed them burp them and Arayah walks around telling hers to shhhh.
Keltin is such a good baby... He never cries and by never I mean I have only heard him cry when they pricked his foot and Ryan said that he cried when they gave him his IV. But he didn't even cry when they unwrapped the four pounds of tape they had on his arm. I think his only problem is that he has more fans then he can handle!
This was interesting..
The Nurse's : He is so laid back and calm.
Me: Well, he is probably still drugged.
Nurse: What drugs did you have?
Me: An epidural.
Nurse: Well, then he doesn't have any drugs in him.
Me: What do you mean?
Nurse : Epidurals do not enter your blood stream anymore,,, they are strictly a nerve block and it has no way of getting to your baby.
Me: Thats why it seemed so different this time...Maybe he is just a good baby then!
Today was our first day home and I just had to post how the day has been going so far! Every time Keltin gets his diaper changed he is surrounded by four girls and as soon as one foot comes out of his pj's the comments start....
Look mom his foot is so cute... He has the cutest toes... He is just the cutest baby ever...
I put him in his swing so that I could vacuum ( I think it was the first time he has ever been put down) . Every time he moved all three girls were standing over him..."Whats wrong Keltin?", " Are you OK?", " Mom, Keltin is moving I think we need to pick him up."
The girls each have a baby doll that they have been taking care of all day! They feed them burp them and Arayah walks around telling hers to shhhh.
Keltin is such a good baby... He never cries and by never I mean I have only heard him cry when they pricked his foot and Ryan said that he cried when they gave him his IV. But he didn't even cry when they unwrapped the four pounds of tape they had on his arm. I think his only problem is that he has more fans then he can handle!
This was interesting..
The Nurse's : He is so laid back and calm.
Me: Well, he is probably still drugged.
Nurse: What drugs did you have?
Me: An epidural.
Nurse: Well, then he doesn't have any drugs in him.
Me: What do you mean?
Nurse : Epidurals do not enter your blood stream anymore,,, they are strictly a nerve block and it has no way of getting to your baby.
Me: Thats why it seemed so different this time...Maybe he is just a good baby then!
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