Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is how my Dr. appointment went!

Dr: How are you feeling?

Me: Like my son is getting huge!!

Dr: Hmm, Well, you didn't gain any weight again ,lets see what you measure.... your measuring 34 1/2 weeks, I don't think he is gonna be huge.

Me: oh, good! Well, I guess I just feel huge!

Dr: (feeling the baby) Ok, I take that back, he is good size!

Ahhh I cry on the inside. I am just really thankful that I still feel pretty darn good!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I know I say this a lot!!!...I really miss Ryan!! I know it feels like I complain about this a lot but actually, I usually deal with it ok. Considering that he has had this horrible shift for a long time. I think getting closer to the baby and such is making it harder....plus it is fall! In the last four days I have only seen him for a couple of hours... I saw him last night for a couple hours and then today at lunch he came home for an hour! He is suppose to get off at 9:30 tonight but will see if that happens. I'm pretty sure when the baby is born and he is working this many hours I am going to lose my mind!!! Ok, enough self pity!!!!! I am going to play with the girls!
Side NOTE!! I do realize that a lot of women have it WAY worse then I do and I really feel for them!!!!! They are much stronger then I am!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

He is going to be huge?!?!

I have five weeks left and only two shirts that actually cover my HUGE belly!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I was hardly feeling prego until two days ago when bammmm it hit me.. the last month GOOD times have started!! The horrible contractions that come every three minutes for two hours then just stop...The non-stop cramping....The throwing up every time you eat more then two bites....The being tired all the time and not being able to sleep...The smelling food and getting heartburn so bad you decide to never eat again..... Oh, and I really think Keltin is trying to crush my hip bones!!

I really cannot complain (although I am ) because I have been feeling really great lately and I did make it through vacation and the fair feeling really good.

Today I did something that I haven't done in sooo long ( I can't remember the last time). I watched a movie during the day.. Ryan had been telling me for weeks that I needed to slow down,,,but I felt so good I wanted to get as much done as I could. He came home this afternoon ( he takes an hour brake when he works open to close) and the dishes were not done the kids were a mess and hadn't eaten lunch. He was so sweet, he just told me that I was finally doing what he had been telling me to. He fed the kids and did a sink of dishes without acting upset or irritated. What a guy I have!!!

A few things I am excited about!

Ryan asked me a few months ago what I wanted for my b-day and I told him that more then anything I wanted to go on a date!! So, he is taking me out on Saturday for dinner and a movie.. I am so excited! I hope I feel good enough to enjoy it.

The pumpkin patch visit!

Halloween!! Although, I am not sure how to plan for it. If Keltin is born ( I am due the 29th and have yet to make it to my due date) then we will either take the girls to the golf course or stay home dress up and answer the door for kids. Which, Ryan really wants to do. If he isn't born then we may go to Northtown.. But, what if I spend all the time and a little money getting the girls costumes and then I end up being in the hospital...hmmmm not sure what to do?

We have a bunch of b-days coming up ...Including Arayah!

Meeting all the new babies that are due in the next few weeks and months.

Learning and growing as a person through my labor and delivery ( it amazes me how much I learn each time and how different each labor is )...and of course having our son!

Doing fun fall things with friends and family!! Which this year will include the Capezza family!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ryan and the girls were going to sleep outside but then we got a thunder storm. So, the party moved to the living room. They all had a lot of fun!

The girls got hair cuts. It makes getting ready so much nicer for then and me.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Vacation Part 1

Arayah feeling like she has a monkey on her back.

Maily was so tired.


Ryan and Tarissa going swimming.

Sandcastle time.

Maily checking out ....

a pink poodle!

Eating icecream.

Kisses for Mommy.

Our little beach bum.

That crab was this big!


God's amazing creation checking out God's amazing creation.

Victoria getting wet with her Aunts.

Everyone had fun flying a bunch of kites! Even Victoria and Bella got to fly one and they did a really good job.

Victoria is so brave. She thought this guy was so cute that she held it,even though Ryan told her it would probably pinch her.

Ryan made a friend.

I'm so huge but other then that I feel really good!! Seven weeks left!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Yard part 2

Here are some more pictures from around our yard. Besides watering I have let it go this last month. Oh, well I had better things that needed doing. I also posted some pics of the girls swimming at the pool park, they didn't come out very good though. I think I will post some more pictures tonight.