I was hardly feeling prego until two days ago when bammmm it hit me.. the last month GOOD times have started!! The horrible contractions that come every three minutes for two hours then just stop...The non-stop cramping....The throwing up every time you eat more then two bites....The being tired all the time and not being able to sleep...The smelling food and getting heartburn so bad you decide to never eat again..... Oh, and I really think Keltin is trying to crush my hip bones!!
I really cannot complain (although I am ) because I have been feeling really great lately and I did make it through vacation and the fair feeling really good.
Today I did something that I haven't done in sooo long ( I can't remember the last time). I watched a movie during the day.. Ryan had been telling me for weeks that I needed to slow down,,,but I felt so good I wanted to get as much done as I could. He came home this afternoon ( he takes an hour brake when he works open to close) and the dishes were not done the kids were a mess and hadn't eaten lunch. He was so sweet, he just told me that I was finally doing what he had been telling me to. He fed the kids and did a sink of dishes without acting upset or irritated. What a guy I have!!!
A few things I am excited about!
Ryan asked me a few months ago what I wanted for my b-day and I told him that more then anything I wanted to go on a date!! So, he is taking me out on Saturday for dinner and a movie.. I am so excited! I hope I feel good enough to enjoy it.
The pumpkin patch visit!
Halloween!! Although, I am not sure how to plan for it. If Keltin is born ( I am due the 29th and have yet to make it to my due date) then we will either take the girls to the golf course or stay home dress up and answer the door for kids. Which, Ryan really wants to do. If he isn't born then we may go to Northtown.. But, what if I spend all the time and a little money getting the girls costumes and then I end up being in the hospital...hmmmm not sure what to do?
We have a bunch of b-days coming up ...Including Arayah!
Meeting all the new babies that are due in the next few weeks and months.
Learning and growing as a person through my labor and delivery ( it amazes me how much I learn each time and how different each labor is )...and of course having our son!
Doing fun fall things with friends and family!! Which this year will include the Capezza family!
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