Tuesday, January 8, 2008


We heard on the news last night that we have 12 more inches of snow then we did last year on this date. We don't remember having this much snow at one time in years. The girls love sledding and we are really enjoying it. Every morning that we get up and it's snowing again we all get excited. I do have to say I think a small reason why we are all enjoying the snow so much this year is that I am not pregnant and that we don't have a small baby. Which I am pretty sure is the first time since we have been married!

1 comment:

Lynne' said...

On sunday Youssef and I were going to make a snow man again (as the snow was good for packing right before Lily's nap) but after nap time it had become too cold and was all crumbly. Youssef had only really made that one snowman and so he was really disapointed about the tempermental snow. Next time I wake him up and say it's good snowman making snow he said he'd take me more seriously. :)