Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Kinda Scary!

Last night on the news Ryan and I heard this. Five babies have died from SIDS already in 2008 in Spokane County. That is a record. More then not were co sleeping.
Ok, now obviously it may have nothing to do with co sleeping that's not the part that concerned us anyway. The the thing is what exactly is causing such a huge increase in our area? Makes you wonder, is it in the air or atmosphere? Are more people vaccinating or are less? There are so many details that they left out. But that is the new for ya. Still its a little freaky

1 comment:

Lynne' said...

Statistically, far more babies die in their cribs than co-sleeping. I wonder if they just counted the ones that were co-sleeping and not any other? It is scary though! Renna has had a stuffy/runny nose and I keep listening to her to make sure she's still breathing! I think a lot of the time it does have to do with vaccinations though and they just don't admit it.