Thursday, May 1, 2008


Ryan and I sat down to discuss the info I had gathered from my research on adoption. After sharing with him all I had found out and all I had not found out. I asked him which way he was leaning and if he had a time frame of when he thought we might start the process. Honestly, I was expecting to hear something like, " when I get another job" or "After we move". I also assumed from what little info I had that he would say we should look into which way we should go a bit more. Now for what he said! He thought we should start both processes and see how far we get ( seeing as for foster adopt there are a lot of requirements we have to pass and for over seas adoption we have to go to churches and get sponsors so either one is up in the air). Foster adoption is more scary for us but we don't want our fear to get in the way of what God might want us to do. The next thing he said shocked me even more. He thinks we should start right away. God has always provided for us and if He wants us to do this He will provide for it as well. Ahhhh A million things ran through my head. Anyway, we are nervous and excited about where God is taking us on this road. We are asking for prayer mostly for lots of wisdom. We basically have no idea what we are doing.


Rebekah said...

Wow, that's really exciting and cool. We will totally support you guys through this in prayer and encouragement!

Lynne' said...

There's a family in our church who are going through the same thing right now! Starting the paperwork and not sure where God is going to lead them. They also have three kids (a little farther apart in age than yours) ... maybe you'll get a baby at the time when the new one is going to stop nursing and you'd be able to nurse him or her! I think that would be really neat to have that bond with an adopted baby, don't you? :)

Ryan said...

Yeah, I do think that would be great! Not only for the bond but also for health reasons. They actually have an add on an overseas adoption sight for a pill that will make you get milk in even if you haven't nursed for months. I have no idea how healthy the pill is though I have not searched it at all. Ryan actually brought this nursing idea up to me a few months ago. I think it will depend on how young the baby is that we get and if it will even nurse. For health reasons I could always pump though.
p.s. you wouldn't believe how many people think the idea of nursing an adopted baby is "the craziest thing they have ever heard".

RachelCapezza said...

We'll be praying for you guys during this process. How exciting!

I have a friend who is adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia, and she's really hoping to be able to nurse her. She hasn't nursed in almost 2 years so she might be trying one of those pills to get her milk supply going.